Half a Century of Living History!
Dedicated to preserving the memory of Maine's Cavalrymen since 1959
The 1st Maine Cavalry reenacting organization evolved out of the 2nd Maine Cavalry which was formed in Florida by Stevens Bunker
in 1959 for the Centennial of the Civil War.
In remembrance and appreciation of the ordinary citizens that became cavalrymen and rode to war to preserve a nation, this
organization focuses on an accurate portrayal of the Federal Cavalry of the Civil War. To help preserve the memory of those
men and gain for ourselves some measure of a first hand appreciation of their experiences, we strive to represent them with
the respect and dignity they are due.
* One of the oldest, active, living history organizations in the hobby *
Welcome to a look at us, what we do, our past, and our future!
Contact Us
page updated February 13 2025
1st Maine Cavalry Memorial at Middleburg, VA
On the Internet since August 28th 1997
Unless stated otherwise, the contents of this web site are copyright 1997-2025 by First Maine Cavalry, Inc and Gerald Todd
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since March 3 2013
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