2nd Maine Cavalry at Barancas, FL
Barancas, FL
Oct. 2, 1864
Gen John L. Hodgdon
Adjt Gen State of Maine


I have the honor to inform you that an Expedition under Command of Gen Asboth, consisting of all the available force of the 2nd Maine Cav., 2 small Cos of 1st Fla Cav - called so from courtesy - and 2 Cos colored troops Infy - mounted, left this place on the 16th of Sept. with the intention of making a raid into the Western part of Fla. They were transported to Deer Point - opposite Pensacola - and commenced the march. They met no rebel force until they reached Euchelia, 50 miles inland where the 2nd Me. under Col. Spurling surprised and captured 25 rebel Cav. who were there enforcing the conscription.

Here Col Spurling was orderd to take a small detachment of his command and go in another direction, and rejoin the main column the same day. The main body pushed on, crossed the Choctawatchie River at Cerro Gordo and encountered a strong rebel force at Marianna the Co. seat of Jackson Co. the 2d Maine Cav ws in the advance. Maj Cutlers battalion ahead, as they advanced they received a volley from the Reb Cav., which dismounted Quite a number killed Lt. Ayer Co. I outright. The 1st Battalion wavered and fell back Maj Cutler gallantly striving to rally them, but without success. Maj Hutchinson was ordered to charge with his Battalion which he did, he and Maj Cutler leading the charge. the Rebs fleeing like a flock of sheep before them. Charging down a street they met a barricade of wagons which they cleared in gallant style, when they received a volley from a body of militia concealed in the stores, houses and churches, which literally mowed down the head of the column Maj Cutler fell badly wounded, his leg broken, wrist fractured and other wounds. Maj Hutchinson, wounded in leg & foot Lieut Adams mortally, shot through the chest. Lieut Moody L. Co. in the thigh. Sergt Clarke Co. L mortally wounded. Corp Davis Co. L killed and many others wounded whose names I have not yet obtained I am informed our casualties will reach 30.

Our force remained at Marianna about 5 hours. They left Maj Cutler and Lt. Adams, Sergt Clark and several others at that place. The occupants of the house where they are promised they should have the best of care.

The other commands took no part in the fight it was all done and well done by the 2nd Maine, and the large number of casualties among our officers is a proof that they do not ask their men to go where they dare not lead.

Col Woodman did not accompany the Expedition. Col Spurling did not rejoin the command until they reached Cerro Gordo on their return when he and his 19 men came in with 15 prisoners, 50 horses, several teams, and a large train of cattle, mules and contrabands, having been absent 5 days and accomplished all this without the loss of a man.

Our wounded are doing well.

Very Respy Genl
Your Obt. Servt
Ed. B. Davis
Private Co. L.
2nd Me Cav