Manner of Rolling the Blanket.
From Congdon's Cavalry Compendium ~ 1864 ~ pages 100-101
Evolutions performed by trooper , 1st Maine Cavalry
The effects - pants, blouse, soldier's books, shirts, towels, brushes, &c. - should be laid smoothly in the
centre of the blanket, the side edges of which should be turned towards each other, covering the effects, so
as to leave the blanket when rolled about thirty inches long; it should then be rolled, pressing with the knees
as tightly as possible, confined in a pocket formed similar to that of the overcoat. The roll should not be over
six inches thick.
If gutta-percha coats or blankets are furnished, they should be rolled similarly to the blanket. If required, a
supply of grain can be carried in them; for one or two feeds.